Rinpoche’s passion for benevolent activity is inspiring. He has said again and again that practitioners need to understand that meditation and contemplation, while necessary for development, are empty without a profound dedication to helping others in the physical world.

Doing good for others, not yourself is almost a mantra.

Building roads, vaccinations programs, installing street lights and providing ambulances for Tibetan villiagers, undoubtedly provide great benefit to the recipients. But behind each project is tremendous opportunity for the profound practice of valuing others more than self.

Ayang Rinpoche is an inspiring example of this practice. His monasteries, centres, and foundations, are all linked to project work. Rinpoche has put a remarkable network in place to give thousands of people worldwide the opportunity to practice engaged with the Dharma. But at the core of it, he tells us, to help others!

If you are able to help Rinpoche fund any of his many charitable projects please send us an email.