2012 Teaching Schedule in US and Canada

Nov. 15-20, 2012  Rochester, NY – Three Phowa-Related Empowerments and Detailed Teachings on Buddha Amitabha Sadhana Information & Registration Contact: NY@amitabhafoundation.us or 585-461-1986 Nov. 24-29, 2012  Vancouver, BC – Three Phowa-Related Empowerments and...

2013 Bodhgaya Phowa Course

The dates for Ayang Rinpoche’s XIX Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya have been changed to January 2-11, 2013. Please plan now to attend.

Happy Chinese New Year

Ayang Rinpoche sends his personal wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy and prosperous Chinese New Year. His Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya ends today, January 23, 2012.