Dear All,

Here are some pictures taken during the 100,000 Tsog Offering on Guru Rinpoche Puja that was held for 3 days at the monastery recently. The puja was led by H.E Palchen Galo Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche Tenzin with over 300 monks.

I will be posting more pictures of the 100,000  Achi Tsog Offering Puja that was done last week for 7 days. The Achi puja too was also led H. E Palchen Galo Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche Tenzin with all the monks.

The Zambala or Puja for Prosperity will be start on August 7 for one week. H.E Ayang Rinpoche, H.E Palchen Galo Rinpoche and Ven Khen Rinpoche Tenzin will lead the puja with all the monks. I shall send these pictures once it is started.

Greetings and best wishes from Rinpoche and all the monks at Drikung Charitable Society.


Guru Rinpoche Tsog Offering pujaH.E Palchen Galo RinpocheTsog offerings during Guru Rinpoche Puja