To help support the following projects:
- Bodhgaya Retreat Center and Temple
- Bylakuppe Monastery
- Kathmandu Retreat Center
Please email:

Making a Donation
Thank you for supporting His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche’s charitable and humanitarian activities. The Amitabha Foundation in the USA is a non-profit organization and registered Charity (IRS Tax ID 95-4111288).
Monastery Offerings for Prayers for loved ones, Puja sponsorship, Coronavirus relief, Medical and other support for monksBodhgaya, India (includes): Amitabha Meditation Center
Amitabha Cultural Center, Ayang Rinpoche’s annual Phowa teachings.
Amitabha Mandala Retreat Center in Nepal (includes):
General offering for upkeep and monk support, Retreat Cottage sponsorship (email for more information)
For larger donations, to save on PayPal fees, please mail your check (made out to Amitabha Foundation) to Post Office Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001.
Other ways to support Ayang Rinpoche’s religious and humanitarian projects (email for further information):
(1) Make a gift of stock or real estate.
(2) List the Amitabha Foundation (EIN 95-4111288) as a beneficiary on your IRA, 401(k) or other retirement account, or in your will.
(3) If you are over 70 ½ years old, request that your IRA administrator make your required minimum distribution to the Amitabha Foundation, and save on your taxes while benefitting our charitable activities.
If a US tax deduction is not necessary, please make your donations to one of the Amitabha Foundation organizations worldwide. To send donations by wire transfer, please contact us for bank details.